Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's Christmas day and I'm finishing my goals for next year. 2009 will be a great year. Good bye 08, helloooooooo 09. Here are four things the governement could do to really help the country out of this crises:
  1. Remove the four financed properties rule right now, this was a dumb rule
  2. Allow investors to use the FHA 203K loan to buy and refurbish properties. Investors help the housing market and have the experience to help. They used to allow this. it was dumb to change it after so many years of success
  3. Get rid of the rule that does not allow a buyer from including rent from the house they are leaving when qualifying for the new house if they don't have 30% equity in the house they are leaving. This too was a dumb rule.
  4. Get rid of the 90 day rule preventing FHA financing if the home has been flipped in the last 90 days. how dumb was this?

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